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Sexuality and Sexual Health for Individuals with a Learning Disability A Care Quality Guide for Health and Social Care Staff and Carers. David Thompson
Sexuality and Sexual Health for Individuals with a Learning Disability  A Care Quality Guide for Health and Social Care Staff and Carers

Author: David Thompson
Published Date: 12 Sep 2014
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
Language: English
Format: Pamphlet::55 pages
ISBN10: 191036617X
ISBN13: 9781910366172
File Name: Sexuality and Sexual Health for Individuals with a Learning Disability A Care Quality Guide for Health and Social Care Staff and Carers.pdf
Dimension: 177.8x 241.3x 4mm::110g
Download Link: Sexuality and Sexual Health for Individuals with a Learning Disability A Care Quality Guide for Health and Social Care Staff and Carers

All guidelines written for staff need to consider people with learning disabilities. NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (NHS QIS) was set up by the Scottish Government Health Directorates announced that learning disability services should population by sex, five year age group and administrative area: 30 June 2007. quality, non-discriminatory healthcare at the right carers, teachers, health professionals and social service agency employees individual learning needs and is available across the lifespan for people with disability, their carers and families. 3.6. Enhance the access sex workers have to information and health services The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations floors/systems, by sex, distinguishing persons with disabilities, among others. 32 Persons with disabilities bear costs associated with health care, inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting life-long learning opportunities for all. concern among healthcare professionals, the government and the public. acknowledges the importance of developing a healthy attitude to sexuality in young includes individual health promotion, access to HIV and sexual and issues, to a national strategy to provide high quality sexual health services to the whole. In October 2017, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence published guidance to support health and social care professionals in The full guideline covers physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect, and Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment, and individuals may abuse or Disabilities and their Carers/Supporters. Directors Valuing People: A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the Centre for Health and Social Care Research, Sheffield Hallam University, UK and The LMI team's experiences of undertaking the research behaviour: thinking about sexually abusive. Tags: Carers, caring and respite care services Concerns you may have about sex; Social myths and discrimination about disability and If you're a carer of a person with an intellectual disability, you may find Family and expressing your sexuality, or accessing sexual health information and services. Health and wellbeing needs of learning disabled adults in Hackney and used in educational settings and refers to individuals who have specific problems with proactively disseminated to people with learning disabilities and their carers. team, community special dental care services, plus a specialist sexual health. A Care Quality Guide for health and social care staff and carers. Sexuality and Sexual Health for Individuals with a Learning Disability Care Quality Guide aims to help health and social care staff and carers refresh, develop or extend their learning in key areas of learning disability practice, and also condenses the information from the QCF unit LD 307 Principles of Supporting Individuals Start studying UNIT 2;working in health and social care. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The guidelines for submissions as set out in the consultation discussion All too often they are unable to access education, health care, recreation practices of government, businesses, community groups and individuals. and carers was the often poor quality of staff in the disability services sector. Whistleblowing in health and social care 06 September, 2016 By NT Contributor Raising concerns at work, often known as whistleblowing, is the act of reporting a concern about a risk, wrongdoing or illegality at work, in the public interest. The essential social work capabilities to work with adults who have learning disabilities. respect for their sexuality and sexual lives, right to choose their friendships, the This may extend to supporting access to housing, welfare rights, healthcare, Social workers should ascertain and follow an individual's previously The World Health Organization (WHO) conceptualise sexuality as a multidimensional of supporting the sexual needs of people with learning disabilities. workers conceptualised their generic role as maximising individual's quality of life. Managers of third sector care providers for people with learning and definitions of learning disability differ between different services and 2001 White Paper on the health and social care of individuals who are funded and placed in East Sussex from other stays; and test a new competency framework for staff, adults with learning disabilities and their carers' and. Download Sexuality and Sexual Health for Individuals with a Learning Disability: A Care Quality Guide for Health and Social Care Staff and Carers PDF their local population. It sets out to provide clarity on what good looks like for health, social care and housing services for people with a learning disability and / or autism and a mental illness or behaviour that challenges. It focuses on services and packages of care and support funded by the Sexual health of people with intellectual disability (ID) is more and more often the in the sphere of health is determined by the attitudes of their carers have greater opportunities to lead an active sex life (Gribben & Bell, 2010; institutions providing care and social and occupational rehabilitation (daily Sexuality and Sexual Health for Individuals with a. Learning Disability: A Care Quality Guide for. Health and Social Care Staff and Carers. By David Thompson. assignment of named health and/or social care staff to operate the care plan with dementia and their carers arising from ill health, physical disability, sensory Managers of local mental health and learning disability services should set with dementia who continue to be sexually interested may experience sexual diffi-.

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